Thursday, December 11, 2025

Medicare & Compliance Changes
9:00 AM-12:00 PM
(Program# 25878-1211)
3 PMI CEU(s)

CPT Code Update
1:00 PM-4:00 PM
(Program# 25879-1211)
3 PMI CEU(s)


$239 per person
Includes instructional materials

Seating is limited. Please register early!


Phone: 800-259-5562


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Medicare & Compliance Changes

Advanced knowledge of the very latest healthcare compliance and Medicare changes will prepare you to forecast the impact on your practice. Attend this session to learn all pertinent details on the proposed changes to payment policies, rates, and quality-related provisions for physician services furnished under the Medicare Part B Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for 2025. CMS proposes significant changes annually. Learn which, if any, proposals are adopted in the final rule to determine what course of action your practice should take in response. Details covered include the conversion factor and how it will impact your revenue, the latest information on the Quality Payment Program (QPP), and a review of recently added and active items on the OIG Work Plan that may affect you. This class will help you make informed decisions and guide your practice in a positive direction in 2025. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Will release its Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) rule for 2025 later this year. Every specialty that bills Medicare for services rendered will need to be informed about these changes so that your team will be prepared to submit accurate claims in 2025.

Course Highlights 

  • Payment guidelines for office/outpatient visits
  • Medicare coverage updates
  • Preventive Services updates
  • Code changes, along with potential additions and/or deletions

PMI CEUs: PMI Certified Professionals will earn 3 PMI Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for attendance at this program. If you are seeking CEU credits for other certifications, contact your organization for preapproval and credit guidelines. A certificate of attendance will be provided for attendance at this program.

CPT Code Update

Attend this program to learn the details on CPT® code changes effective on January 1, 2025. Find out how changes to the procedural codes and guidelines will impact billing in your specialty. This program will give you a head start to the new year and keep provider reimbursement on track by reducing denials.

Medical coders, billers, auditors, and clinicians are invited to attend this intermediate-level course to better comprehend the revisions and gain an enhanced understanding of the most current CPT codes and guidelines.

17 new Telemedicine codes are introduced including new codes for audio-only telemedicine visits for new patients and established patients, which replace the existing telephone-only codes. Revised descriptors for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Services in the updated code set will allow for increased specificity. New codes for vaccines that protect against pneumococcal diseases and avian influenza in addition to some revised vaccine descriptors. New codes for genetic screening for hereditary cancers and pharmacogenomics. Updates in the general surgery section related to skin grafts and tumor removal techniques in the abdomen.


  • 420 updates
  • 270 new codes
  • 112 deleted codes
  • 38 revisions

Enhance your understanding of the most current CPT codes, guidelines, and corresponding procedures. Understand how to effectively navigate through the revisions to the updated code set to gain knowledge of the impact the changes may have on your documentation and claims.

*A CPT code set manual is not required to attend this course but will be helpful to comprehend the context of the code changes. Digital course materials are included for future reference.

PMI CEUs: PMI Certified Professionals will earn 3 PMI Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for attendance at this program. If you are seeking CEU credits for other certifications, contact your organization for preapproval and credit guidelines. A certificate of attendance will be provided for attendance at this program.