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Practice Management Institute® Medical Office Continuing Education Programs

Practice Management Institute (PMI) provides health care organizations with a turn-key way to meet the business training needs of independent physicians and group practices and their staffs in your community. PMI works with clients to promote continuing education that helps physicians get paid and addresses key administrative training needs that lead to a more effective, productive practice.

Classes are hosted by your facility and taught by PMI certified instructors. Topics offered include reimbursement and business management issues such as coding, third party billings, Medicare, managed care, customer service and compliance. The time allotment for these courses ranges from three hours to five days in length. Participants include administrators, physicians, compliance officers, billing and coding staff, front desk operations and managers.

PMI provides clients with built-in support staff dedicated to ensuring the success of your program. Your Client Services Coordinator will execute all the marketing and behind-the-scenes details to ensure that your programs are a success.

Our instructors have direct experience in many aspects of medical practice management. They understand current rules and how to correctly apply them in the practice. Faculty members stay up-to-date on laws, trends and applications. PMI representatives are committed to compliance with all government regulations and legal requirements. This pledge of excellence is reflected in all of our programs.

Bring PMI Training To Your Community

PMI program hosts include leading healthcare systems, medical societies and learning institutions across the country. These organizations, some of whom are listed below, have made a commitment to their community of physicians to provide educational opportunities and cutting-edge resources for practice success.

Why PMI?

Since 1983, PMI educational programs have proven to be an effective vehicle for strengthening ties within the medical community. Managing a medical office today is considerably more difficult than ever before. With PMI’s wide program offerings, physicians and staff have access to targeted training issues that will help the practice thrive in a today’s complex business environment.

Program sponsors utilize PMI programs as an inexpensive means for enhancing physician relationships. The surrounding medical community pays most of the costs associated with the program through class registration fees. Sponsor involvement can help offset program fees through sponsorship fees or in-house arrangements. This creates a win/win situation for both the sponsoring organization and the medical community it serves.

Apart from financial considerations are its merits as a physician relations tool. Unlike most marketing activities that are only geared toward increasing utilization of the hospital services, PMI programs give a great deal back to the physician community. PMI programs can help establish your facility as the community leader in medical office education. This recognition provides you with a unique ongoing physician relations opportunity.

Please visit to view continuing education class schedules, faculty bios and much more. Contact PMI’s Business Development Department at 800-259-5562 for additional information.

tel: 1-800-259-5562 | fax: (210) 691-8972 |

10223 US Highway 281 North, Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78216

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