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Recognition Among Healthcare Entities

PMI’s certification programs have earned the respect by leading employers like The Cleveland Clinic, and payers including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)1.

Other organizations like the the American Medical Biller’s Association (AMBA), and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) provide certifications for medical office professionals. These organizations, like PMI, require candidates to demonstrate by exam competency in a particular subject matter.

In some areas of the country, employers require certain credentials over another to be employed, however, there is no state or federal government entity that regulates, endorses or approves a particular certification. PMI is named along with AHIMA by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as an example coding certification source for Medicare’s Intermediary Provider Customer Service Program1. Recognition by CMS and hundreds of other healthcare organizations across the country is reflective of PMI’s integrity and recognition among major healthcare employers.

National publications such as Medical Economics 2 and Family Practice Management 3 have profiled PMI’s credentials, reinforcing PMI’s position as a leading credentialing organization for medical office professionals.


The Not-so-new Kid on the Block
BC Advantage Magazine, January 2008

How do you evaluate the quality of a particular credential? There are several ways to evaluate a certification, according to Douglas O’Dell, President and CEO of Practice Management Institute (PMI). Key elements are: the organization behind the credential, the quality and integrity of the exam, and the recognition of the credential in the marketplace. Read more

The Value of a Coding Education
Family Practice Management, March 2005

Our office struggled for years with coding patient encounters to correctly capture all the reimbursement to which it was entitled. One solution that worked well for us was sending someone from our business office to "coding school." Her five-week stint has in turn helped us code more accurately, increase revenue and become more Medicare compliant. It has also proven cost-effective. Read more

Coding Credentials for your staff: Why and How
Medical Economics, Feb. 6, 2004

Keeping up with the most current coding is essential and more and more healthcare organizations are raising the educational bar for billers and coders. In fact, a growing number of large practices won't even grant interviews to noncertified applicants for those positions. Read more

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